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The Most Comprehensive Platform For Content

At Blintn, we are revolutionizing the media industry by providing a top-notch B2B database that caters to the content-searching needs of media companies worldwide. With a passion for introducing outstanding content to a wider world, we have designed a comprehensive solution incorporating intelligent, data-driven curation and content-oriented search feature to easily shift through a vast range of content and to help media professionals to discover desirable content, from top-rated Films and TV series to emerging IPs such as webtoons and web novels.

Furthermore, Blintn recognizes the diverse requirements of media companies and has tailored its services to cater to their needs. With the launch of Blintn+, a content dedicated funding service, we provide an extensive content service specializing in global investment, pre-sales, brand integration, and more. By providing content that caters to audience needs and regional trends, Blintn+ provided diverse funding models with diverse options to capitalize on current market preferences and secure rewarding investments.

Acting as a global content hub, Blintn dreams to become a fully functional and trustworthy platform that removes the global barriers and help the media industry bloom its full potential.
